When and Where to Expect Turtles on Roads
It is that season! Here are some tips to help you spot and therefore help turtles on roads:
Turtles Know Where They are Going
If you are familiar with turtles and practiced in the art of helping them across roads, you are probably aware that turtle conservation groups and experts urge rescuers to move turtles across the road in the direction they are facing when found. Why is this? When you find a turtle crossing a road coming from a lush wetland, heading towards a dry rocky outcrop, doesn’t it make the most sense to turn it around and place it back in the wetland? Even though your natural instincts might tell you to turn a travelling turtle around and put them in a more
“turtle-friendly” habitat, this will actually result in the turtle having to cross the road again when they inevitably turn around to head back the way they were going. To understand why turtles will turn back around if you take them off course, you need to know how turtles navigate.
Turtles are excellent navigators within the areas they are familiar with, ie. their “home ranges.” These home ranges include their yearly nesting site (if female), their overwintering grounds, and the wetlands they frequent during their active season. In the early years of their lives turtles will create ‘mental maps’ of their home areas, and it appears that as turtles age they lose this ability to create new mental maps (Caldwell and Nams 2006). Adult turtles tend to rely on their internal compass to navigate through their home range that they know well, and have previously ‘mapped’ (Caldwell and Nams 2006).
There is scientific research that suggests a turtle’s internal compass could be one of two things, or possibly even a combination of both. Turtles could be using the position of the sun in the sky to navigate, or possibly they are able to sense the earth’s magnetic fields; both of these methods would help them know where north is. Scientists have confirmed some Sea Turtle species have magnetite in their brains which allows the animals to sense magnetic fields (Fuentes, et al. 2004). In the case of Ontario freshwater turtle species such as Blanding’s Turtles and Snapping Turtles, researchers have found evidence for both the sun and the magnetic field compass mechanisms (Pappas et al. 2013, Landler et al. 2015, Krentz et al. 2018). More research is needed to determine if both methods are being used by freshwater turtles here, or if some species are using only one.
So what do turtles’ mental maps and internal compasses have to do with always making sure to help them across roads in the direction they are facing? Well, everything! Because turtles are such good navigators, when you find them crossing a road, they are heading some where specific – don’t think for a second they are just wandering or confused!! They know where they are going – even if they are heading somewhere that seems to you like poor turtle habitat.
Ontario turtles are capable of long distance travel over land, and some individuals have very large home ranges with nesting sites far from the wetlands they use during the summer months, which can be separate and further still from the wetland they might use for their overwintering (Pettit et al. 1995, Brown and Brooks 2004). For example, Snapping Turtles in Algonquin Park have been found to travel up to 3.9 km between August and late September when they head back to their overwintering grounds, and can return within 1 m of the exact spot they hibernated the year before (Brown and Brooks 2004). What amazing proof of these superb navigators in action! This helps put into perspective the turtle you might find heading into a forest away from a perfectly good wetland – this turtle could be travelling to another wetland you can’t see via this forest, or potentially their nesting site is a sandy bank along a small creek on the other side of the forest. Who knows? We don’t, but the turtle definitely does.
An important implication of turtles making mental maps of their home ranges when they are young and using their using internal compasses to navigate after this, is that if an adult turtle is relocated far outside their home range it can be very disorienting and stressful. A study done in Nova Scotia with Eastern Painted Turtles (which are closely related to the subspecies of Painted we find here in Ontario - Midland and Western), found that 60 adult turtles removed from their home ranges did not successfully navigate towards water when released in new habitat (Caldwell and Nams 2006). Instead, they travelled in a straight line in one consistent direction after being released until being recaptured at the end of the 24-hour study period. This suggests that when adult freshwater turtles are relocated to a new habitat outside of their home range, they may not be able to imprint on this new area as they did when they were younger with their home range. The adult turtles in this study seemed to follow an internal compass, but without a mental map of the unfamiliar area, they just travelled in one single direction without any way to navigate towards water.
The only exception to the rule of always helping a turtle across the road in the direction they are travelling, is if you are lucky enough to find a hatchling (a.k.a. brand new baby turtle). Ontario turtle hatchlings are usually no bigger than a toonie, and when they first emerge from their nests they will not have a mental map of their surroundings, although their internal compass mechanisms will activate within hours of emerging from the nest (Pappas et al. 2013). Their instincts will guide them to head towards an open horizon, which will hopefully lead them to water (Krenz et al. 2018). So in this one special case, if you find a hatchling on a road or road shoulder, because they do not have a mental map of their surroundings yet, the best spot to move them is actually the closest shallow water body. This water body should ideally have slow moving water (or no flow at all) and lots of aquatic vegetation where they can hide from predators and find things to eat. This could be a flooded road ditch, a small pond, or a grassy bank of a near by marsh. It is important to note that we still don’t want to relocate a hatchling far from where we found it, do not move a hatchling more than 250 m. If you can not see any water within this distance from where you found it, move the hatchling safely far off the road and road shoulder in the direction they were travelling. It is even more important to note that we don’t want you to take the hatchling home. Without the first years spent in nature, the mental map will not be made and the turtle will be lost for all time to navigating the wild. Meanwhile, we are losing too many turtles to road traffic, pet trades, and habitat loss. So, watch out for hatchlings (and adults too) at the end of August and through September (for Snappers and Blanding’s) and when many Painted Turtle hatchlings emerge at the end of May / beginning of June.
Written by Meredith Karcz, Conservation Technician
Download this article: turtles know where they are going. M. Karcz
Brown, G.P., and R.J. Brooks. 1994. Characteristics of and fidelity to hibernacula in a northern population of Snapping Turtles, Chelydra serpentina. Copeia 1994(1): 222-226.
Caldwell, I. R., & Nams, V. O. (2006). A compass without a map: tortuosity and orientation of eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) released in unfamiliar territory. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 84(8), 1129-1137.
Fuentes, A., Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J., Garduño, V., Sanchez, J., & Rizzi, A. (2004). Magnetite in Black Sea Turtles (Chelonia agassizi). AGUFM, 2004, B21B-0884.
Krenz, J. D., Congdon, J. D., Schlenner, M. A., Pappas, M. J., & Brecke, B. J. (2018). Use of sun compass orientation during natal dispersal in Blanding’s turtles: in situ field experiments with clock-shifting and disruption of magnetoreception. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72(11), 177.
Landler, L., Painter, M. S., Youmans, P. W., Hopkins, W. A., & Phillips, J. B. (2015). Spontaneous magnetic alignment by yearling snapping turtles: rapid association of radio frequency dependent pattern of magnetic input with novel surroundings. PLoS One, 10(5), e0124728.
Pappas, M. J., Congdon, J. D., Brecke, B. J., & Freedberg, S. (2013). Orientation of freshwater hatchling Blanding's (Emydoidea blandingii) and snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) dispersing from experimental nests in agricultural fields. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 8(2), 385-399.
Pettit, K.E., C.A. Bishop, and R.J. Brooks. 1995. Home range and movements of the common Snapping Turtle, Chelydra serpentina serpentina, in a coastal wetland of Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 109(2): 192- 200.
Looking Out For Turtles and Wildlife on Roads
We lose so much wildlife to road mortality here in Ontario. Our roads are well paved and well-tended, making great speedways, but often these roads dissect important habitats and migration routes for wildlife. Notably, turtle populations are most threatened and impacted by road mortality (ahead even of other significant issues of habitat loss and the pet trade). This is significant because it can take more than 20 years for a turtle to reach maturity and then another 20 years or more of laying eggs, until one turtle reaches adulthood to replace its parent. Also snakes, our great pest-controllers, are killed on roads and the devastation that roads are causing to these populations, and populations of birds and mammals, remains notable, but yet unqualified.
You can help by using vision-tactics when driving: When cruising in the highlands, or anywhere for that matter, it is important to look far ahead instead of immediately in front of you, and also to keep your eyes relaxed in order to take in the entire view. This type of "wide- viewing" takes some practice, but allows you to see what is coming from the all directions including from the sides of the roads and also to see both near and far. Another tip is to look out for certain patterns: when driving through natural areas, take particular notice of where wetlands are found on both sides of the road. These low lying areas where roads dissect wetlands are ideal spots for many mammals including river otters, mink, raccoons, and of course, turtles to cross the road. Time of day, temperature, weather and even season also makes a difference to some animals occupancy on roads; species such as deer are more apt to be out and about in the early evening and porcupines or foxes prefer to move later at night; turtles are on the move between May and the first week of July and then again at the end of August into the fall; and turtles and snakes may be on roads to bask or feel comfortable moving about when it more than 17 Degrees Celsius by 10 am and before the late afternoon.
In addition to driving with "wide-viewing", you can also help wildlife by recording what you see on roads and the locations where you see wildlife. Reporting wildlife on roads helps biologists and organization create, facilitate or even install solutions from crossing signs, to road underpasses. The Land Between and Turtle Guardians have launched a volunteer program specifically for watching for turtles on roads called "Road Researchers" and also have ways to report snakes on roads and other wildlife. You can volunteer as a Turtle Road Researcher here. Also, you can report your sighting on the Land Between website, or on The Land Between iNaturalist project page
For a great guide to identifying wildlife on roads see our partner, at EcoKare International's video and new handbook for Citizen Scientists. EcoKare is a leading expert in wildlife underpasses and road permeability.
Watch our Safe Driving Video here
What Kind of Turtle Are You?
What Kind of Turtle Are You? Take the Turtle Personality Quiz Here
Wetlands of The Land Between Part 2: Marshes and Swamps
Wetlands of the Land Between Part 2: Swamps and Marshes
Written by Meredith Karcz, Conservation Technician
Continuing from last week’s theme, this week we will discuss the remaining two wetland types: swamps and marshes. When you think of a swamp or marsh where does your mind go? Smelly, stinky mud? Black Fly and Horse Fly paradise? Shrek?
Swamps and marshes differ from peatlands (bogs and fens) because generally they have minimal or no accumulation of peat (a dark layer of plant matter that is only partially decomposed). Swamps and marshes have more open water and higher plant diversity than bogs and fens. They provide critical habitat for many wildlife species at different points in their life cycles.
Swamps are wooded wetlands, and are defined by having at least 25% tree cover. Swamps often have gently flowing water with pools and channels, and waterlogged soils because they are covered with water for most (if not all) of the year. However, water is shallow enough, or recedes periodically so that certain tree species can grow in the wet and low oxygen soils. Trees you can find in Swamps in southern Ontario include: Silver Maple, Black Ash, Red Maple, Tamarack, Eastern White Cedar and Black Spruce.
Swamps can be found along the edges of rivers, lakes, streams and ponds and are the most common and diverse type of wetland in southern Ontario. Species that you might find in a swamp in the Land Between include: Mink, Great Horned Owl, Pileated Wood Pecker, Wood Frog, and Gray Treefrog. The four turtle species you might encounter in a swamp are Blanding’s Turtles, Painted Turtles, Spotted Turtles and Eastern Musk Turtles (COSEWIC).
Unlike swamps, marshes lack trees, and are defined by abundant submerged, emergent and floating aquatic vegetation. Familiar marsh plants include water lilies / lily pads, cattails, duckweed and milfoils. Marshes flood deeper than swamps, but can be found in similar areas – along the edges of rivers, lakes, streams and ponds. Marsh sediments are water logged and high in mineral content, and water is high in oxygen because of so many submerged plants.
Marshes are less common than the other three wetland types in southern Ontario. Despite being less common, many species rely on them for habitat during part of their life cycle. Many frog species lay eggs in marshes because their high amount of aquatic vegetation means lots of food and protection from predators for growing tadpoles who eat algae and small pieces of plant matter. Many bird species rely on marsh habitats for food throughout the year or along their migratory routes. Wildlife you might come across in a marsh include: Moose, Muskrat, Northern Watersnake, Red Winged Blackbird, Great Blue Heron, Spring Peeper Frog and many more. All seven of the turtle species found in the Land Between can be found in marshes, although some use them much more regularly (COSEWIC). The turtles that use marsh habitat the most are: Blanding’s Turtles, Painted Turtles, Spotted Turtles and Eastern Musk Turtles.
In addition to providing important habitat, food sources, and shelter from predators, marshes help to filter out pollutants and extra nutrients that make their way from nearby lands into waterbodies. Because marshes are often found along the edges of waterbodies, their many aquatic plants will capture sediments carried from land runoff before they make it into main waterbodies. These sediments can contain pollutants and nutrients from fertilizers, pesticides, and other sources. For this reason, marshes can be thought of as natural filtration systems for aquatic ecosystems.
Download this article: Wetlands of the Land Between Part 2- marshes and swamps
References and additional resources
- Ontario Wetland evaluation System, Southern Manual https://dr6j45jk9xcmk.cloudfront.net/documents/2685/stdprod-103924.pdf
- Wetland Conservation in Ontario
- https://www.ossga.com/multimedia/2016-03-15-115020-49198/wetland_conservation_in_ontario.pdf
- COSEWIC reports for all 7 turtle species found in TLB
- https://speciesregistry.canada.ca/indexen.html#/documents?documentTypeId=18&sortBy=documentTypeSort&sortDirection=asc&pageSize=10&keywords=turtle
Wetlands of The Land Between Part 1: Bogs, Fens and The Turtles Found There
“Learning about wetlands is lots of fen, no need to feel bogged down!”
Written by Meredith Karcz, Conservation Technician
What is a wetland? As its name suggests, it is land that is wet. Water covers or saturates the soil for at least part of the year, if not year round. Depending on the depth of water covering the soil, and if the wet area is connected to ground water or a water body nearby, it will develop into a certain type of wetland. Here in the Land Between we have four general types of wetland: bogs, fens, swamps and marshes. This week we will look at the peat forming wetlands, bogs and fens.
A bog, the oldest type of wetland, forms slowly over thousands of years as waterlogged, low oxygen soil prevents complete decomposition of plant material and ‘peat’, a dark spongy material is formed. Eventually, metres of peat build up and separate the surface soil from ground water below.
Being separated from ground water means that bogs’ only incoming source of water is precipitation. Because rain water is naturally acidic, bogs’ surface water and soil end up being acidic as well. Bog soil is also low in nutrients because ground water can’t bring in nutrients from the mineral rich bedrock below, and surface waters from neighbouring nutrient rich water bodies do not reach bogs either. These harsh conditions make it hard for many plant species to survive in a bog.
Your first clue that a wetland is a bog is a thick spongy carpet of moss. Often, the ground will be uneven because mounds can form in the moss mat called “hummocks”. Sphagnum moss species, the dominant mosses in bogs, make bog soils even more acidic because of the charged particles they exchange with the soil.
Other plants you might find in a bog are low shrubs, sedges like Cottongrass, carnivorous plants like Pitcher Plants, Black Spruce, and possibly a few Tamarack along the edges. Any shallow standing surface water is reddish brown, and will be in the centre of the bog. You might notice that trees are small, or that there are dead trees in a bog. This is because trees struggle to survive bog conditions, even species like Black Spruce which are adapted for wet, acidic, low nutrient soils.
Fens also form on accumulated layers of peat, and can have thick moss carpet covered portions. However, they differ from bogs because some ground water is able to pass through fen soil bringing nutrients along with it. With more nutrients in their soils, fens can support a greater variety of plant species than bogs can. If standing water is present in the centre of a fen, it will be surrounded by ring of ‘land’ (ie. with mosses sedges, trees), that is then surrounded by another ring of standing water and sedges.
In most of Ontario, fens can be distinguished easily from bogs because they have more sedges which are grass-like plants that usually have triangular stems. However, in the Land Between (TLB), fens more closely resemble bogs because they often have less sedge cover and more moss cover.
What you can look for in TLB to differentiate a fen from a bog, is the ratio of Tamarack and Black Spruce and where they are located in the wetland. Fens have more, taller Tamaracks that occur throughout the wetland and if they have Black Spruce, they will be along the outer edges. Bogs on the other hand tend to have Black Spruce throughout and if Tamarack are present there are less of them, they are smaller and usually along the outer edges. A final clue is the outer ring of water; this will only happen in a fen.
Turtles in bogs and fens
Both Blanding’s Turtles and Spotted Turtles use bogs and fens as habitat. Blanding’s Turtles can be found in most wetland types and are able to travel large distances between wetlands on land. They use fens and bogs as foraging sites in the summer and as hibernation sites in the winter months.
Spotted Turtles have smaller home ranges compared to Blanding’s Turtles, and often use a few different wetlands that are spaced close together. Their home range usually contains a bog or fen because they like to forage, spend summer dormant months, and hibernate in bogs and fens.
Peatlands as carbon sinks
Bogs and fens are natural carbon sinks, meaning they take carbon from the environment (ie. from plant material) and store it away instead of recycling it back into the carbon cycle. It is stored in the form of peat. As long as bogs and fens are left undisturbed they can continue to perform this important function. However, if fens and bogs are disturbed (ex. by building roads) or converted to different land types (ex. agriculture), the carbon they hold in their dense layers of peat will be released into the atmosphere as methane. As we work towards slowing and reducing global warming by reducing fossil fuel emissions, it is important that we protect peat forming wetlands like bogs and fens.
Download this article: Wetlands of TLB Part 1- bogs, fens, turtles found there
References and additional resources
- Ontario Wetland evaluation System, Southern Manual https://dr6j45jk9xcmk.cloudfront.net/documents/2685/stdprod-103924.pdf
- Wetland Conservation in Ontario
- https://www.ossga.com/multimedia/2016-03-15-115020-49198/wetland_conservation_in_ontario.pdf
- Akumu, C.E. and McLaughlin, J.W., 2013. Regional variation in peatland carbon stock assessments, northern Ontario, Canada. Geoderma, 209, pp.161-167.
Photo links
- Peat – David Stanley Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/davidstanleytravel/
- Bog in Algonquin park – Mac Armstrong flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/reiver/
- Spotted Turtle aecole2010 flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/aecole/
- Blandings turtle Matt MacGillvray flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/qmnonic/
Effects of Watercross on Widlife…and Turtles. A post by Think Turtle
Hello from Kelly at Think Turtle Conservation Initiative
I was surprised to recently learn of proposed plans to bring 'Watercross Racing' to Bancroft this summer and that the chosen site for this event is Foster's Lake situated in Carlow Mayo.
Having spoken with people in the community no one seems to know what 'Watercross Racing' is as a result they are not familiar with the concerns that accompany such an activity. I am educating as I go. When I inform them that it is essentially racing snowmobiles on water instead of ice the reactions have been less then enthusiastic and people have expressed concerns to do with noise, wildlife and the environment.
If you are reading this and are situated in a community other then Carlow Mayo it is my hope you will view this information as a heads-up should a watercross racing event be proposed in your community.
For anyone not familiar with watercross racing here is a bit more information. Winter snowmobiles referred to as 'sleds' are modified for watercross racing to enable racers to skip, buck, jump and wheelie their way to ferocious speeds well in excess of 60 mph across the surface of the water while navigating around a course. The modifications can include tunnel extensions, watertight seals (sometimes just loads of duct tape), crankcase drains, mod pipes, as well as race specific clutching and gearing. Note: The horsepower of each sled will average around the 100HP mark.
Watercross racing is noted for being fast, loud, and although the intention is to hydroplane across the water, the sleds often end up at the bottom of the lake according to the Ontario Watercross Racing Association (OWRA) and recent accounts since posting this yesterday. Pontoon boats with winches are used to haul up the sleds from underwater between races.
The sleds and high speed activity most certainly presents negative stresses on animals, plants, soils (shoreline and lake bed), air and water quality, and the ecology of both the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. A two day event of this type may not seem like enough time to cause damage but it is enough time to cause a disturbance that can set off a negative cycle where one impact leads to and compounds the next leading to long-term, and potentially cumulative adverse impacts.
Foster's Lake is a quiet but popular beach with picnic tables and shelters featuring spectacular views of rolling hills, old growth forests and pretty sunsets. The appeal of this pristine lake to local residents, cottagers and visitors is the serenity it offers being a relatively small lake, 8 hectares, with an average depth of 20', 52' in the deepest parts and a generous shallow entry point.
The lake is devoid of much water vehicle activity having been restricted to motors of 15 horsepower or less since 1971. All of this contributes to this lake being home to a healthily aquatic ecosystem supported by much biodiversity. The lake and natural surroundings are the habitat for many wildlife species, aquatic, terrestrial and avian. Wildlife sightings are a regular occurrence year round. Note: The pontoon boats used to haul-up the sleds from underwater are fitted with a 600 cc motor and generate 60 - 65 horsepower exceeding the 15 horsepower restriction in place for Foster's Lake. This lake is no place for the rip roaring of watercross racing.
I'm not looking to begrudge anyone having a good time and understand that economic opportunities are always being sought for small communities and are essential but the impact such an event there is more then money to think about. While watercross racing is being promoted by OWRA as having economic appeal there are significant negative impacts to people (watercross participants and spectators included), wildlife and the environment associated with watercross racing that aren't being fully considered even by OWRA as I see it. Just because damage isn't visible doesn't mean it is there and not happening.
Every website and brochure to be found about cottage country and rural communities in Ontario promotes picturesque views, beautiful lakes and the 'tranquility' the natural environment these regions have to offer. These campaigns are successful at enticing new residents, cottagers and visitors because many people want to escape the noisy, frenzied hustle and bustle of urban communities and connect with nature.
These days everyone, elected officials and citizens, need to be giving more thought to the environmental impact of the activities we personally engage in and those being considered to introduce into a community. Not weighing up the negative impacts does not make sense and is in essence chipping away at the very foundations cottage country is recognized for and tourism is based on.
For communities to be turning efforts to attracting people via events that negatively impact wildlife and the environment could actually represent a trade off of visitors and even a loss as environmentally conscious tourists may turn their attentions to communities that value and lookout for the natural environment in their region. Eco-friendly community events and eco-tourism experiences are especially important to many people and especially families with youngsters. Many people are concerned about potential damage to the environment and loss of biodiversity, and about the finite nature of the earth's resources. More people then ever are expressing their concerns as such introducing activities into a community that negatively impact wildlife and the environment stands to put many visitors off.
Many resort owners, B & B's, AirBnB's and cottage owners that rent out their property during cottage season as well as year round residents in rural communities would have many stories to share and concerns to express at proposals to attract visitors that show little concern for protecting wildlife and the environment vs. people that are concerned.
The tranquil lakes in Ontario are not a place for the noise and environmental impacts that accompany watercross racing. The beautiful sounds of birds and nature should not be compromised for an event that would do more harm then good. For the people that won't let watercross racing along with other activities that negatively impact the environment go consideration to construct a location specifically for it is something that should be looked at instead of exposing lakes throughout Ontario to risks and ecological impact associated with watercross racing. Someone suggested as an alternative a dead lake for this use although considerations for the surrounding environment would need to be considered. I do not have all the answers but as concerns for all of earth's inhabitants and the natural environment escalate we needs to be looking to changes to be made to ensure biodiversity and healthy functioning ecosystems the quality of our future and generations to come depends on it.
What follows below is a detailed account of some of the negative impacts. I recommend reading it entirely. There may be concerns that have not occurred to some people.
In case you do not read on, if you are a property owner, cottager or resident of the Carlo Mayo and Bancroft area I would encourage you to write to the Carlow Mayo Township Council members to express your concerns regarding a proposed watercross racing event being scheduled at Foster's Lake in July or August. The council e-mail addresses are included at the end of this post. Thank you.
Noise Pollution: Watercross sleds are loud and can be heard across vast distances, severely affecting the soundscape. This noise over a two day period would disturb and be distressing to people and wildlife. Would you welcome hearing high-speed engines revving from 9 am to 4 pm? Noise pollution is recognized as being almost as detrimental to humans as air pollution. Imagine how wildlife would be impacted by two days of high-speed activity. Environmental advocates say engine noise can disturb wildlife, potentially driving some species from their habitats.
Air Pollution: Claims that the OWRA does make efforts to at least minimize the negative impact watercross racing has on citizens, wildlife and the environment is supported. OWRA does insist each watercross sled has a closed fuel system, uses biodegradeable oil and that high-octane fuel is used to minimize emissions. This does represent environmental initiatives that are a step in the right direction and fair dues it is a noted effort but it does not erase emission concerns or eliminate the negative environmental effects associated with hosting a watercross racing event in the great outdoors.
Note: High octane fuel has been found to have 'fewer' pollutants and is, therefore, more environmentally friendly. It does contain some pollutants.
Note: Biodegradeable oils are more eco-friendly but studies show that the machinery needed to cultivate the crops (e.g. canola, rapeseed, sunflower and soybean) emits large carbon emissions.
Emissions: Although newer snowmobile models are marginally quieter and cleaner, they have a bad environmental reputation. Snowmobiles not equipped with a catalytic converter can emit more hydrocarbons, nitrous oxides and carbon monoxide then cars and other road vehicles. Snowmobiles equipped with a catalytic converter while better, this only puts their emissions on par with cars and other road vehicles meaning the they emit greenhouse gasses that contribute to climate change concerns. The levels of carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM) should be a primary concern to everyone including watercross participants and spectators. CO is noxious to humans especially in close proximity and over an extended period of time as a watercross event would present. PM is a confirmed human carcinogen by Environmental Protection Agencies.
Note: Air pollution and emissions even to a lesser degree are still a concern. If you can smell it, you are taking in pollutants and they can affect the heart, not just our lungs. Pollutants degrade air quality and alter the environmental chemistry.
Shoreline Damage: 4 to 5 sleds taking off from the shoreline into the water can tear-up the area good and proper. A number of 400 lb sleds being driven over the grassy areas that would serve as the pit area and service bays for sometimes as many as 200 watercross sleds would subject the area to rigorous wear and tear far greater then usual possibly meaning costs to the community to restore. This has implications on taxpayers and some may have something to say about that.
Sediment Churning: A sled sinking to the bottom of the lake may seem funny to some and render a few laughs after the fact but a 400 lb sled settling on a lake bed stands to stir up sediment, cause damage to an otherwise undisturbed lake bed that supports an ecosystem. Stirring up sediment can add additional nutrients to the water, potentially causing excessive algae growth leading to algae blooms. These algae blooms can lead to a depletion of oxygen in the water, release of toxins and taste and odor problems. Algae blooms can reduce the ability of fish and other aquatic life to find food and can cause entire populations to leave an area or even die. Multiple 'sleds' sinking over a period of two days increases this kind of threat and damage.
Wakes: It is important that pontoon boats and sleds are mindful of the wake each water vehicle makes. Large wakes can cause damage to shorelines and interrupt wildlife in and around a lake. Shoreline nesting animals like loons, who build their nests in areas along the shore where wind-driven waves do not normally reach will be negatively impacted from increased wave activity and high waves. Note: Are requirements related to wake concerns being addressed by the OWRA at these events?
Vegetation Damage: A 400 lb water sled that ends up at the bottom of the lake will cause damage to the aquatic vegetation and its vascular structure. Thereby rendering vegetation incapable of nutrient transport and function. This can affect growth and availability to aquatic wildlife. This can reduce plant density for an undetermined period of time affecting the aquatic wildlife that relies on it as a food source, natural habitat and protective cover. Multiple sleds sinking over a two day watercross event would increase the likelihood of this kind of damage and threat.
Invasive Species: The spreading of invasive aquatic plant species is always a concern with water vehicles, watercross sleds being no exception. Aquatic plants can and do get caught on the underside of water vehicles. Sleds arriving on site that were not cleaned after previous usage could introduce an invasive plant species into an otherwise healthy lake. If the lake a watercross event is hosted contains invasive species sleds not cleaned could could potentially contaminate the next body of water they enter. Note: Will OWRA be taking precautionary measures to prevent and mitigate the spread of invasive species from one lake to another during this event? Will the sleds be inspected and cleaned before entering, exiting the lake and leaving the site?
Aquatic Life: The number of pontoon boats and sleds on the lake would be a threat to turtles, fish, loons, cranes,crayfish, amphibians and reptiles, etc. All aquatic wildlife has an important role to fulfill and as such needs to be preserved and protected from unnecessary stresses and potentially damaging human activities. The risk of propeller injuries is always a concern. A sled sinking to the lake bed could potentially cause injury or mortality to unsuspecting or curious aquatic wildlife such as: turtles, loons and fish.
Biodiversity/Ecosystems: Animal, plant and aquatic biodiversity keeps ecosystems functional. Healthy ecosystems allow us to survive, get enough food to eat and make a living. Watercross racing is one of those human activites that poses a threat to the biodiversity and ecosystems any lake and the surrounding region are home to.
Note: Also just found out, budget-conscious watercross participants may be looking to camp overnight at Foster Lake Park. This would mean other considerations would need to be addressed to lessen the human impact to Foster Lake and the park should this event be scheduled. e.g. camp fires, excess garbage, porta-pottys, people washing themselves or their dishes in the lake, noise through the night, etc. Note: A former resident from the area has pointed out that camping is not allowed in Foster Lake Park. Meaning the council may be looking to see about getting the boat motor hp restrictions and camping lifted for the event.
Watercross racing has been shunned in some communities due to the noise and impact to wildlife and the environment. With all due respect it doesn't make sense to support an event that has unhealthy aspects for nearby residents, wildlife and the natural environment as well as the participants and spectators.If OWRA is really committed to lessening the ecological impact of watercross racing leaving Ontario's lake alone is the best way to go about that. Continuing to use the lakes and other bodies of water in this way negates efforts made to appear environmentally conscious. If watercross racing manages to have a future at a time when more and more people are in support of eco-friendly activities and experiences looking to a constructed aquatic facility specifically for the sport in one location would be an alternative. All said and done watercross racing events are about making money. Using the natural beauty of a lake and the picturesque views that accompany it is for show to make lots of dough.
Thank you for reading this. It is hoped the content of this post provides information that is helpful to people in other communities as well that a Watercross racing event has been proposed. If such an event has been proposed I would encourage those involved in the decision making process and the people in the community to check out videos to get a better sense of what is being proposed and to consult with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry in your district and/or other conservation organizations. An ecological impact assessment should be looked into prior to approving such an event.
You may not see yourself as being a steward to the earth but we all are or at least should be as we all have a vested interest. Moving forward it would be great to see tourism generated in communities in Ontario by emphasizing a community's commitment to environmental concerns and teaching fellow travelers how to respect wildlife and the natural environment as we do.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could share this information with family, friends and associates and ask them to do the same.
Please be safe on the roads and mindful of wildlife we share the roads with this time of the year.
Kindest Regards,
Kelly Wallace
Think Turtle Conservation Initiative
Cell: 647-606-9537
E-mail: thinkturtle@yahoo.com
Facebook: thinkturtleci
Username: Wallace Kathleen Kelly
Facebook Post #463
Carlo Mayo Town Council
Reeve Bonnie Adams
Telephone: 613-332-1112
Email: bonnieadams@carlowmayo.ca
Councillor - Ward One (Carlow)
Mike Cannon
Telephone: 613-338-9972
Email: mikecannon@carlowmayo.ca
Councillor - Ward One (Carlow)
Dan Hughey
Telephone: 613-332-6661
Email: danhughey@carlowmayo.ca
Councillor- Ward Two (Mayo)
Richard Dillabough
Telephone: 613-332-8009
Email: richarddillabough@carlowmayo.ca
Councillor -Ward Two (Mayo)
Eldon Stewart
Telephone: 613-332-4588
Email: eldonstewart@carlowmayo.ca
The Scoop on Turtles and Salmonella- Can Turtles Make You Sick?
Turtles are commonly perceived as disease carrying animals, having many nasty germs that they can spread to humans. The bacteria you have most likely been warned about in relation to turtles is Salmonella. This is the same group of bacteria that can be found in raw chicken and eggs. It can cause severe flu-like symptoms that may require hospital treatment.
So what’s the deal, can you catch Salmonella from a turtle? Well it depends if the turtle in question is a captive turtle, or a wild turtle. A turtle you encounter in the wild in Canada will likely not give you Salmonella, but your neighbor’s pet turtle Timmy could, although washing your hands after holding Timmy greatly reduces this risk.
Studies assessing rates of wild turtles in North America with Salmonella found very low infection rates of less than 5% (Brenner et al. 2002, Richards et al. 2005, Saelinger et al. 2006). In contrast, studies that have investigated prevalence of Salmonella in pet turtles in North America and Europe have found infection rates to vary from as low as 5% to as high as 80% (Cain et al. 2009, Heynol et al. 2015). That sounds concerning - up to 80% of pet turtles testing positive for Salmonella?!
It is important to keep in mind that proper precautions can prevent a pet turtle from spreading harmful bacteria to humans that handle them. Washing your hands after touching a captive turtle, or anything that has come in contact with its enclosure will keep you safe while interacting with our turtley cool pals. Regular cleaning of pet reptile enclosures is also important for preventing Salmonella bacteria from building up in the small volume of water in a turtle’s aquarium. For a more detailed list of best practices for staying healthy while handling and caring for captive turtles see https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/publications/healthy-around-reptiles-and-amphibians.html
Turtles with Salmonella living in their intestines rarely show symptoms, and sometimes when tested for the bacteria, infected turtles will not test positive because they can release the bacteria at such low rates (Saelinger 2006). There is evidence that suggests turtles release more Salmonella in their feces when they are stressed (DuPonte et al. 1978, Mitchell 2005), and some researchers speculate that the distress turtles feel while in captivity causes them to release more Salmonella. This combined with the relatively small volumes of water in their enclosures explains why captive turtles exhibit higher rates of Salmonella (Richards et al. 2004). In the wild, it is also likely that turtles that are infected with Salmonella release such small amounts into their environment, that when they are swabbed for Salmonella it isn’t detected (Saelinger et al. 2006).
Negligible amounts of Salmonella in wild turtles is good news for all Turtle Guardians, and other conscientious citizens that stop to help turtles across the road during their active season (May - October). It means that if we help turtles across roads, or transport injured ones to turtle care facilities, we have a very small chance of getting sick from this. However, wild turtles may carry other diseases that don’t affect humans but that can make other turtles sick. And in any and all cases, it is still recommended that you wash your hands after handling a wild turtle- in fact this is recommended after handling any wild animal!!
Written by Meredith Karcz, Conservation Technician
- Brenner, D., Lewbart, G., Stebbins, M. and Herman, D.W., 2002. Health survey of wild and captive bog turtles (Clemmys muhlenbergii) in North Carolina and Virginia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 33(4), pp.311-316.
- Cain, C.R., Tyre, D. and Ferraro, D., 2009. Incidence of Salmonella on reptiles in the pet trade. RURALS: Review of Undergraduate Research in Agricultural and Life Sciences, 4(1), p.1.
- DuPonte, M.W., Nakamura, R.M. and Chang, E.M., 1978. Activation of latent Salmonella and Arizona organisms by dehydration of red-eared turtles, Pseudemys scripta-elegans. American journal of veterinary research, 39(3), pp.529-530.
- Heynol, V., Heckers, K.O., Behncke, H., Heusinger, A. and Marschang, R.E., 2015. Detection of bacteria in oral swabs from healthy common musk turtles (Sternotherus odoratus) and West African mud turtles (Pelusios castaneus). Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, 25(1-2), pp.33-39.
- Mitchell, M.A., Bauer, R., Nehlig, R. and Holley-Blackbum, M.C., 2005. Evaluating the Efficacy of Baquacil® Against Salmonella sp. in the Aquatic Habitat of the Red-Eared Slider, Trachemys scripta elegans. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, 15(2), pp.9-14.
- Richards, J.M., Brown, J.D., Kelly, T.R., Fountain, A.L. and Sleeman, J.M., 2004. Absence of detectable Salmonella cloacal shedding in free-living reptiles on admission to the wildlife center of Virginia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 35(4), pp.562-563.
- Saelinger, C.A., Lewbart, G.A., Christian, L.S. and Lemons, C.L., 2006. Prevalence of Salmonella spp in cloacal, fecal, and gastrointestinal mucosal samples from wild North American turtles. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 229(2), pp.266-268.
What You Leave Behind Matters…Even if You Are a Turtle!
Environmental DNA: using poop to detect and protect disappearing and mysterious species
In order to protect disappearing wildlife and their habitat, we need to know where the species are. This might seem obvious, and simple to do, but that’s not always the case: When a species is rare their populations are very small and scattered. If they are a territorial species, individuals may be spread out across the landscape with only one or two in an area at a time. How can we find them easily if there are so few at any given site? What if the species is really small-bodied and hides in the mud or under vegetation? What if the species lives underwater and does not come to the surface or shore regularly? There are so many factors that can make finding species in the wild difficult.
Traditional methods of surveying areas to determine which species are present and also how many are there, usually involves some kind of capturing, or less intrusively - at least seeing or hearing them. To catch, hear, or see a species in the wild (particularly a rare species), expert knowledge, time, money, and other equipment may be needed. And when it comes to rare and declining species, traditional surveying methods can be ineffective, preventing us from being able to manage or protect them and their habitat accordingly.
An emerging tool in molecular biology is making things easier for researchers to determine when those disappearing species are present in freshwater ecosystems, without having to actually locate them (Kelly et al. 2014). This tool is called environmental DNA (eDNA).
Environmental DNA is genetic material that an organism leaves through cells from urine, feces, sweat, skin, hair etc.
Depending on conditions like temperature, or natural forces like water flow, eDNA can remain fresh and near the location it was released for a couple weeks (Thomsen and Willerslev 2015). This means, in many areas, researchers may be able to collect samples of water, sediment or moist soil and also some cells in their sample. Then, with the right procedure, they can identify which species’ DNA is contained in each sample, effectively showing them who was recently (and in many cases still is) present in the area!
The amazing way DNA is analyzed
The first step of processing a sample of eDNA is to filter the sample to separate any cells and organic matter from the medium it is in (water, sediment, soil). The DNA is then extracted and isolated, and then it is time to target the species’ gene of interest.
To identify a target gene, scientists choose one that is distinct for the particular species they are searching for; a gene that can distinguish the focus species from others closely related to it, and that may occur in the same sampling area. For instance, there are genes that can distinguish a Blanding’s turtle from a Painted turtle. It also has to be a gene that has many copies in each cell (such as genes found in mitochondria, where sugar is broken down to make energy, or in chloroplast, where photosynthesis occurs in plant cells) (Thomsen and Willerslev 2015).
Once the gene is “targeted”, it is time to “amplify it” - to make many copies of it so there is more genetic material to work with. This is done through a process called a Polymerase Chain reaction (PCR) which takes a few hours.
When genetic material is successfully amplified within a sample, it can be detected by researchers, and once detected they know that the target species is present (or was very recently present) at the location that was sampled.
eDNA can identify species and confirm presence when other avenues may not work. Field surveys require expertise to see, catch, or hear a species - and if the target species resembles other species, any data collected by non-experts may be inaccurate. Also traditional survey methods might also miss cryptic species and conclude that they are not present in sites where they actually do occur. eDNA may also reduce costs, effort and the level of intrusion when searching for rare and secretive species (Davy et al. 2015).
eDNA in action
In freshwater systems, eDNA has largely been used to study fish, amphibians and molluscs (for fish see: Jane et al. 2014, Takhara et al. 2013, amphibians: Goldberg et al. 2011, Pilloid et al. 2013, molluscs: Egan et al., 2015, Diener et al. 2015). Environmental DNA has successfully confirmed suspected presence of invasive fish and frog species before they were physically found by researchers (Dejean et al. 2012, Takahara et al. 2013). Secretive species of frogs and giant salamanders that are declining in the United States have also been successfully detected using eDNA (Olson et al. 2014, Goldberg et al. 2011). These instances of effective eDNA sampling were important for conserving species and ecosystems because early detection of invasive species allowed for quick implementation of mitigation strategies, and detection of secretive declining species enabled protection of occupied habitat.
Recently turtle researchers have begun to employ eDNA techniques, and they have even begun to use eDNA onsite and in the field with faster results. In 2018 in Vietnam, eDNA allowed researchers to locate one of the world’s rarest turtle species, the Swinhoe's Softshell Turtle. This turtle was previously unknown to occur in that lake.
To learn more about this story and the newest technology using eDNA watch this informative video.
Turtles- Closer to home
Researchers from Peterborough and Guelph, Ontario have successfully developed and tested the DNA primers necessary to perform PCR on target genes for eDNA from the eight Ontario turtle species, as well as one invasive turtle species (Davy et al. 2015).
Preliminary tests using their DNA primers sampled eDNA from aquariums of captive turtles, and one outdoor pond housing invasive turtle species in Orillia at Scales Nature Park (Davy et al. 2015). The tests were successful at identifying all target species of turtles, allowing the primers to be used across Ontario.
Since then, during the winters of 2017 and 2018, eDNA has been used to successfully detect the presence of overwintering (hibernacula) Northern Map Turtles in an 8 km² lake in southeastern Ontario (Feng et al. 2019). A remotely powered underwater drone was then put under the ice of the lake, which confirmed that Northern Map Turtles were hibernating in the areas of the lake where high concentrations of their eDNA were found (Feng et al. 2019).
This find is significant because Northern Map Turtle populations are declining. In Southcentral Ontario and Southwestern Quebec, they are at the northernmost part of their range, and finding suitable places to overwinter where water temperatures stay above freezing is crucial for their survival. Northern Map Turtles do not tolerate low oxygen conditions well, and overwintering sites also need to have high dissolved oxygen levels (Maginniss et al. 2004). Since this Northern Map Turtles require such specific conditions for overwintering, conservation efforts need to ensure that suitable overwintering habitat is protected for them. This study in southeastern Ontario is an excellent example of how the use of eDNA accomplished something that traditional surveying methods would have struggled to do (Feng et al. 2019). Without the extensive eDNA sampling (which is relatively low cost and does not take much time), running the drone under the ice to search for overwintering turtles in such a large lake would have been ineffective, and costly.
Written by Meredith Karcz, Conservation Technician, The Land Between charity, Turtle Guardians Program
Download a pdf of this article: eDNA What You Leave Behind Matters...Even if You Are a Turtle. Using eDNA for detection
Davy CM, Kidd AG, Wilson CC. Development and validation of environmental DNA (eDNA) markers for detection of freshwater turtles. PloS one. 2015 Jul 22;10(7):e0130965.
Dejean, T., Valentini, A., Miquel, C., Taberlet, P., Bellemain, E., Miaud, C., 2012. Improved detection of an alien invasive species through environmental DNA barcoding: the example of the American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus. J. Appl.Ecol. 49, 953–959.
Deiner, K., Walser, J.C., Mächler, E. and Altermatt, F., 2015. Choice of capture and extraction methods affect detection of freshwater biodiversity from environmental DNA. Biological Conservation, 183, pp.53-63.
Egan, S.P., Grey, E., Olds, B., Feder, J.L., Ruggiero, S.T., Tanner, C.E. and Lodge, D.M., 2015. Rapid molecular detection of invasive species in ballast and harbor water by integrating environmental DNA and light transmission spectroscopy. Environmental science & technology, 49(7), pp.4113-4121.
Feng, W., Bulté, G. and Lougheed, S.C., 2019. Environmental DNA surveys help to identify winter hibernacula of a temperate freshwater turtle. Environmental DNA.pp 1-10.
Goldberg, C.S., Pilliod, D.S., Arkle, R.S., Waits, L.P., 2011. Molecular detection of vertebrates in stream water: a demonstration using rocky mountain tailed frogs and idaho giant salamanders. PLoS ONE 6, e22746
Hashizume, H., Sato, M., Sato, M.O., Ikeda, S., Yoonuan, T., Sanguankiat, S., Pongvongsa, T., Moji, K. and Minamoto, T., 2017. Application of environmental DNA analysis for the detection of Opisthorchis viverrini DNA in water samples. Acta tropica, 169, pp.1-7.
Jane, S.F., Wilcox, T.M., McKelvey, K.S., Young, M.K., Schwartz, M.K., Lowe, W.H., Letcher, B.H. and Whiteley, A.R., 2015. Distance, flow and PCR inhibition: e DNA dynamics in two headwater streams. Molecular ecology resources, 15(1), pp.216-227.
Kelly, R.P., Port, J.A., Yamahara, K.M., Martone, R.G., Lowell, N., Thomsen, P.F., Mach, M.E., Bennett, M., Prahler, E., Caldwell, M.R. and Crowder, L.B., 2014. Harnessing DNA to improve environmental management. Science, 344(6191), pp.1455-1456.
Kirtane AA, Wilder ML, Green HC (2019) Development and validation of rapid environmental DNA (eDNA) detection methods for bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii). PLoS ONE 14(11): e0222883.
Maginniss, L. A., Ekelund, S. A., & Ultsch, G. R. 2004. Blood oxygen transport in common map turtles during simulated hibernation. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 77, 232–241.
Martellini, A., Payment, P., Villemur, R., 2005. Use of eukaryotic mitochondrial DNA to differentiate human, bovine, porcine and ovine sources in fecally contaminated surface water. Water Res. 39, 541–548.
Olson, Z.H., Briggler, J.T., Williams, R.N., 2013. An eDNA approach to detect eastern hellbenders (Cryptobranchus a. alleganiensis) using samples of water. Wildl. Res. 39, 629.
Pilliod, D.S., Goldberg, C.S., Arkle, R.S. and Waits, L.P., 2013. Estimating occupancy and abundance of stream amphibians using environmental DNA from filtered water samples. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 70(8), pp.1123-1130.
Takahara, T., Minamoto, T. and Doi, H., 2013. Using environmental DNA to estimate the distribution of an invasive fish species in ponds. PloS one, 8(2)
Thomsen, P.F. and Willerslev, E., 2015. Environmental DNA–An emerging tool in conservation for monitoring past and present biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 183, pp.4-18.