Turtle Guardians is a program of The Land Between charity. To donate by cheque, please make payments payable to The Land Between charity 805849916RR0001
Your support, our impact.
Take a look at some of the milestones we've accomplished below thanks to the support of our past donors!

Coming soon! Symbolically adopt one of the Teaching Turtles in residence at our HQ! But for now, you can help these guys and our hatchlings with a general symbolic gift, and receive an adoption certificate.
Donate to protect Ontario's turtles & their wetland habitats!
We're working hard to research, protect, and conserve Ontario's 8 species of freshwater turtle, all of whom are at risk of disappearing due mainly to wetland habitat loss and motor vehicle mortality. If we lose turtles we lose some of nature's best clean-up crews and agents for biodiversity.
We accept donations through a secure third party processor. All donations are receipted for tax purposes.