Turtles are the most imperilled species globally!
The Land Between region is home to over 30% of all the turtles in Ontario!
Sponsorships help us conserve turtles, and sponsors receive benefits of awareness.
Sponsor reach audiences immeidately in the region across 9 counties. But more, they reach a captive audience during the summer stemming from all of southern Ontario and into the United States. Seasonal recreational landowners represent the majority residents in The Land Between region. These lakeland-shoreline landowners escape to the region in the summer from the busy pace of the city, to relax and enjoy heritage activities of outdoor sports and leisure, including fishing, boating, hiking, and touring.
Sponsors are recognized at our workshops that are provided here and throughout the summer, on our TG and Land Between websites, in media releases, and newsletters!
To sponsor and support the Turtle Guardian program see our sponsorship package: turtle sponsorships