The Turtle Guardian program works collaboratively with organizations, individuals and institutions to gather and generate the best science available to save turtles. Stay tuned as we load more great research here...
New Science
- eDNA What You Leave Behind Matters...Even if You Are a Turtle. Using eDNA for detection, Meredith Karcz
General Facts
- Turtles heroes of biodiversity Written by Jaime Kearnan
- Wetlands of TLB Part 1- bogs, fens, turtles found there, Written by Meredith Karcz
- Wetlands of the Land Between Part 2- marshes and swamps, Written by Meredith Karcz
Turtle-Habitat Requirements
- Andrea OHalloran for The Land Between- Overwintering Struggles of Freshwater Turtles in Ontario
- Blanding's habitat protection, OMNRF data sheet
- Turtles- The Coolest Navigators, Written by Alley Lahey, Turtle Guardian Citizen Science Coordinator
- Chelydra serpentina (Snapping Turtle) Diet, Hunter Howell, University of Miami
- Diet and Feeding Behaviour of Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) and Midland Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata) in Algonquin Provin
Best Management Practices and Mitigation Methods
- Turtle Nest- Road Shoulder Maintenance BMP Guide for municipalities. 03.2017
- Draft Turtle Mitigation for Roads and Highways. Interim Guidelines. OMNRF
- Effective Placement of Road Mitigation Using Lessons from Crossing Signs. Gunson_Schueler_et al 2012
- Best Management Practices for Mitigation of Roads on Reptiles and Amphibians and SAR in Ontario. Gunson_et al 2016
Biology, Life Cycle. Nesting Behaviour etc.
- Food sources: Diet and Feeding Behaviour of Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) and Midland Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata) in Algoquin Park
- Overwintering Turtles. How Turtles Hibernate. ASL. 2019
- Differences in Habitat Selection and Survivorship Between Hatchlings of Two Turtles at Risk Species. Paterson et al 2012
- Potential Sources of IntraPopulation Variation in the Overwintering Strategy of the Painted Turtle. Riley et al 2014
- Turtles- The Coolest Navigators, Written by Alley Lahey, Turtle Guardian Citizen Science Coordinator
- Mr. Misunderstood- Snapping Turtles are not so scary and definitely important. Written by Meredith Karcz.
- Turtle aging-size research- Dr. Ron Brooks and Dr. Doug Armstrong. Armstrong Brooks - age estimation submitted to EcolAppl
Statistical Variations in Road Crossing and Population Analyses