If you are a Level 3 Turtle Guardian and are conducting tunnel assessments please complete this form:
Link: Turtle Tunnel Inventory Form
About Turtle Tunnels
Turtle tunnels come in all shapes and sizes and are what ecologists call "eco-passages". These features are designed to direct turtles under roadways as opposed to over roads.
EcoKare International. Kari GunsonTurtle tunnels limit the significant threats to turtles posed by road traffic by directing turtles under roads. The basic features of turtle tunnels are the same: a fence to direct turtles and an underpass (tunnel) to move turtles under roads.
The Land Between region is home to more than 1/3 of Ontario's turtles. The major threat to turtle populations by humans in road mortality (second are poaching and the pet
trade). To ensure turtle populations can survive and hopefully too, rebound from recent losses, The Land Between charity aims to install as many turtle underpasses (fences and tunnels) as possible across the region's high risk roads - and as quickly as possible. We have gathered and supported research and pilot trials across North America to make sure we can succeed in saving turtles. Now we can put in these underpasses effectively in suitable areas- and efficiently using the existing road culverts.
EcoKare International. Kari GunsonWhile using culverts are the first available solutions, there are many more sites that exist where turtles cross roads: Here were are looking for new ways and infrastructure to save turtles and other wildlife; to make roads less hazardous and more "permeable" to wildlife.
To learn more about how the The Land Between is using turtle tunnels and fencing to mitigate road mortality, feel free to watch the video below:
These opportunities are made possible with the generous funding provided by