Wetlands &
Turtle's Neighbours
Wetlands are some of the most biodiverse, productive and valuable systems on Earth; yet unfortunately they have also become some of the most threatened. Many different organisms, including ourselves, rely on the ecosystem services (free services that nature provides us) that wetlands provide such as: water filtration, food chain support and habitat!
Below we have provided some resources that you can download to learn more about wetlands and the non-turtle species that live within them! This section is optional reading for your interest.
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Many wonderful native creatures live in wetlands! Learn more about them by clicking on the buttons to download some additional information!
Wetlands are also increasingly under the threat of invasive species. One of these species is Phragmites australis. Learn how to spot in and stop it from invading your wetland by reading the sheet below or my becoming a Phragmities Fighter by clicking here!