This year we are all doing a “Do-it-Yourself” Turtle Walk! Walk whenever and wherever in your community, town, neighborhood to raise awareness and help our slow friends come in first! Dress in turtle-y cool gear, dawn your turtle-awareness signs and make your cause known!
Register and make a donation, or send in the pledges you have raised to receive a Turtle Walk kit with Turtle Walk Stickers, a Watch 4 Turtles Sign, and Turtle Walk and Turtle Guardians swag. Take photos and videos of your walk and send them in for your chance to win the Turtle Walk Cup!
Donations and pledges raised will help us install turtle tunnels- specialized fencing to direct turtles safely under roads and through existing culverts. This year we aim to retrofit two sites in Haliburton and Bancroft with tunnel fencing.
This year’s walk them is the Rainbow Turtle- it is inspired by the Rainbows in Windows movement- it is a symbol of hope and tolerance too!